Web Search for Houdini

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When it comes to learning Houdini, the internet is your best friend!

Use this UI popup to search Google for some python documentation, YouTube for a video tutorial, or the SideFx forums for your favorite threads. Your search will appear in a new web browser tab.


Copy Search_Tool.shelf to the toolbar directory in your Houdini user preferences folder.

For example, on Windows: C:\Users\Primary User\Documents\houdini19.5\toolbar

You should now see "Web Search" as an available shelf in the "Add Shelf" drop down.


Once you've installed the tool in your user preferences, you can assign it a hotkey. I use "shift+space"

When the search popup is active, you can use "Tab" to cycle between the different search engines.

Tested on Windows 10, Houdini 19.5.

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Search Tool v1.0 for Houdini

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Web Search for Houdini

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I want this!